how bad is frost on new clones???


Well-Known Member
ya I know this is rookie but I need to know how bad frost can f@%k up clones.I know the obvious is death but is there any other side affects I should be aware of?.I put a fiew out early cause we were gettin nice weather and I didn't expect frost so late in the season then BAM 2 nights of it,now its 3 weeks later and the fiew that survived are really stunted and the leaves are all wrinkley and really weird looking.the leaves went from very healthy with 5-7 blades to1,2 or 3 blades.will they bounce back and start growing normaly or will they stay stunted, will the leaves come back to growing normal with the 5 -7 blades and my biggest fear will all that stress turn them HERMI??????

can someone please set my mind at ease

thanks guys



Well-Known Member
Im guessing they will bounce back and be ok, was the temp getting back up during the day? You can never tell 100% what will happen, it may depend on where in the world the strains are from, how bad the tissue was affected etc... But if they still alive now after others have died its a positive sign. if they will turn hermie probobly wont be known until later on, but if its only 2 days of this bad stress, id say they can recover ok.
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Well-Known Member
other then death is there any signs to look for that screams to just pull them instead of wasting my time on something that wont work?
and the straines are derban poison,early skunk and B.C. big bud x something or other (just incase the brand determins weather thwe stress is more or less)

thanks again


Well-Known Member
Im assuming you are in the US, man its been a rough spring in alot of areas as far as cold, I had some get a bit cold than had to put em back in greenhouse.
As long as they return to growing normally just wait it out, The affected leaves probobly wont recover, just focus on new growth, maybe cut some more to add to it so ur 09 grow isnt a total washout, provided you cut these yourself. I mean damn, it has to warm up sometime doesnt it? Im shaking my head this year, just horrible.


Well-Known Member
me too brotha lol its fu$%in crazy.I'm just glad that I did'nt put them all out that early I thought a head and am cutting a couple extra clones to fill the empty holes or replace anyones that I think got stunted too bad like if there not growing after 4 weeks now there not gonna ya know what I mean.

anyways thanks for the peace of mind
