How big can a spider mite get?


Well-Known Member
I killed a tiny red one a couple days ago on the pot...plant seems fine. Today though I found a bigger one, about the size of a nickel, white/beige/transluscent with black. It was on the plastic on the floor next to the bucket. I only get a rare spider in here and its in the fall when temps drop outdoors..maybe 2-5 may get in (im on 4th floor) and always on ceiling or in the wedge of ceiling/wall. never on floor! and they don't look like this one at all. Was wondering if a spider mite adult can be that big..skinny body and legs, but legs were each about the length of the main me it looked just like a much bigger version than ones that appear on leaves (based on google). Just haven't seen pics of them being this to bottom about half an inch..was slightly shorter side to side.


Well-Known Member
way too big to be a spider mite........mites are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. cant really see any features without a loupe

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
lol. that is a very big mite . save them ! because your room makes every thing bigger . all you need to do now is to make some gold nuggets bigger .


Well-Known Member
You must be from Texas. Everything is bigger in Texas. I was going to suggest a quart of mighty wash bit in this case get a 5 gallon bucket.