How big should the seedling be before you pinch the top leaves


15805900682827839029711569941892.jpg I was talking to a guy today about my seedlings there are 20 days old then measure 2 inches high about 5 inches wide he told me to pinch the top leaves? I don't understand . sos
Yeh dude it's best to wait until she has 5-6 sets of leaves (nodes), then cut (top) down to the 2nd or 3rd,.. or 4th or whatever
A ways after.
Get it topped, and recovered, then bend it down and drop the net.

Mine went under the net a few days after the pic above.
Are you using one net or two Nets I bought a package that has two Nets together haven't opened it yet
when mine are in a cloner or aero system like that I let the plants in it get about a foot long the roots are huge at that point my mcc I did that for had 2 footer roots was nice and healthy I threw her in a 7gal and wow shes takin off no shock at all from transplant but some strains don't need topping they just need training depends but don't top anything till its like at node 6