How can i get co2 (besides yeast)


Well-Known Member
i've heard of people using dry ice but it doesn't seem practical to me. you would have to keep a supply of dry ice and at $2 a pound it could start getting expensive. from my experience a pound of dry ice will last about 2-3 hours if not in an insulated cooler (dry ice rockets FTW!).

Is there a reason why you don't want to use the yeast method? The only other ways i know of are using a co2 generator or using compressed co2.


Well-Known Member
i've heard of people using dry ice but it doesn't seem practical to me. you would have to keep a supply of dry ice and at $2 a pound it could start getting expensive. from my experience a pound of dry ice will last about 2-3 hours if not in an insulated cooler (dry ice rockets FTW!).

Is there a reason why you don't want to use the yeast method? The only other ways i know of are using a co2 generator or using compressed co2.
true , i guess if u just wanted to get a block of dry ice for once a week or something , donno if that would even make a noticeable


Well-Known Member
The absolute cheapest way without ponying up lots of cash for a CO2 generator is to LEASE a 70 pound CO2 bottle from a welding supply place.


Active Member
why not just use the yeast method. and also if you do use co2 do it between the hours of 5a.m and 7a.m that way your plant are more suseptable to take in co2 and other trace element in the air.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. my grow cab is too small for my DIY co2 bottles so I have them set on top and run air hoses into the cab.

It sounds like you have a pretty large grow if you'd need 8 gallon of mix. I don't think any diy co2 methods really will work on large grows, maybe you should think of investing in a co2 generator or (like nodrama said) get a large tank of co2


Well-Known Member
vinegar and baking soda makes co2, I have used this before in a drip system with mild success (Vinegar dripping into a baking soda slurry). You can run hose to pump the co2 into your grow room if you are worried about space. But truth be told a Co2 tank is the cheapest route to go when all is said and done. Good luck JR


Active Member
ok now i agree vinegar and baking soda take a sealed container mix them and have the smallest hole wich will leak co2 for quiet a while not sure exact time frame


Well-Known Member
If i remember correctly (from elementary school science lol) baking soda and vinegar has a fairly rapid reaction and only produces co2 for a few minutes, maybe an hour if the proportions are right. The reaction that takes place with sugar and yeast produces a fairly steady amount of co2 for 1-2 weeks.


Active Member
If i remember correctly (from elementary school science lol) baking soda and vinegar has a fairly rapid reaction and only produces co2 for a few minutes, maybe an hour if the proportions are right. The reaction that takes place with sugar and yeast produces a fairly steady amount of co2 for 1-2 weeks.
do you know, is there a smell with the yeast?


Well-Known Member
it kinda smells like sweet bread dough (go figure lol) but it's really faint, nothing like vinegar. I hear that if you use the same mix for too long (over a month) they can develop some nasty smelling mold though