How Can I Help Make It Legal?


Hey guys, I've just been thinking and how can i help get marijuana legal?I watch a lot of documentaries about marijuana and i know a lot of facts about marijuana and how it could help out government.


Well-Known Member
More serious about your right to use marijuana if you choose to than any other canidate.
He introduced a bill to legalize it federally


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks for the information ill look into it.
Go to the post office in the morning, bring a pen, tell them you wanter a voter registration card, fill it out, mark republican, give it back to the mail man, show up to vote, the republican primary is important so show up, they'll probably even mail you a reminder of when the election is and where you can go to vote.


New Member
Vote for Nader He has a better Chance of winning
and he isnt as Nutty as Ron paul

Either way neither of them have a chance of winning


Well-Known Member
Vote for Nader He has a better Chance of winning
and he isnt as Nutty as Ron paul

Either way neither of them have a chance of winning
I assume you only vote for who is going to win so you can feel like a winner right? You have no intention of actually voting for who would be best for the country or who has the most leadership skills, instead whoever talks the smoothest and is on the Television the most? Its an election for YOUR FUTURE, its no popularity contest, although it sure has turned into one.

IMO I think there should be NO televised debates, commercials or ads. Audio only.

To the OP: you need to enlighten all the people you know who have been misinformed about Mari Jane, only after the population knows the truth can the necessary changes be made.