How can I improve my grow? Have pics!


Hi. I am new here but I would like to be here a long time. I have smoked for .. going on twenty years now and just recently started growing. This is my first grow. I have read and watched many videos but unfortunately I get 5 different answers per hypothetical question.

Below are pictures of my first grow. These plants are 5 weeks old.
topview with lights.jpg

They are grown in rockwool surrounded with clay pellets. They are fed by a hydro drip system I put together.

I keep the PH around 6 and I have included a picture of the nutrients I add.

Please tell me what you think.
I do not like the yellow bottom flowers...

the purple stems...

how some of the leaves of the new growth turn down...

and the white build up on the rockwool...



Well-Known Member
Hey dude, cause you got problems, white stuff on anything aint good! That purpling is not down to strain in my books, plant is trying to tell you somthing, when you sort the problem the purpling will go. I grow in soil so were like aworld apart but i see slight problems on one or two leaves and marijuana plants do not wilt, they reach their leaves up and out as they grow. Nutrients don't look anything special but i don't know the brand so input here is useless.

What i do like is those t8's i think they are t8's, could be t5's but my moneys on t8's. Sexy lights, what bulbs are they or what spectrum light? How many watts each one and how long? Can we get pics of the whole grow so i can see them lights, love them. When you gona flower them and what lights you gona use?

Please post a thread and get those problem sorted, little things become big things and best you get them sorted now. Good luck dude.

When you post a thread to sort out your problems make sure you include ppm, pH, growing media, pics, temps, ferts etc etc.


Well-Known Member
Yellow leaves more than likely is N deffiecey (Nitrogen) the purpling could be phosphorus but it could be strain...all mine are purple and so was my last crop. The droopy leaves could just be getting not enough have quite a nice canopy some are bond to die and happens..the white stuff is what I'd be concerned about...Now I don't do under grow but to me if rock wool is getting a buildup like that it's could be a potential salt build up...that could be causing the issues...If it's a salt build up in soil you flush..not sure if you can flush hydro like that or not.

Otherwise they look pretty damn good for a first grow....very thick stalks..and nice fat leaves...the lights though..hopefully their t5's but I think you were asking about a 1000 system anyway so you should have that covered...grab job and happy growing looking forward to hearing/seeing more.