How can i keep my plant under 10 inch and still make it flower


Active Member
How can i keep my plant under 10 inches tall and still get a good harvest off it and also for lighting i am using 2 halogen table lamps will this be ok as i only have a small space in the bottom of my wardrobe the seeds are ata tundra.


Well-Known Member
you could basicly just chop the top should make it slow the growth upwards.but make it bush out.


Active Member
Not sure if you can use the halogen, but to keep the plant small
try 'topping' it. There is a good description of this in the growFAQ.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
If you are trying to grow in that small of an area i would use CFLs(compact fluorescent). If you want you plants that small you will either need to train it or have a mother plant for clones and start them flowering at a few inches


Well-Known Member
theres MANY ways to do it.
1. top it, in other words, cut the tiny growth tip at the top of the plant, but this causes alot of stress on the plant, which may turn it to a male.
2. turn the lights to 12/12 as soon as the seedling pops through the ground, but depending on strain it could grow much taller than 10in.
3. LST (Low Stress Training) you tie the top of the plant almost to the soil and keep doing that....

any way you choose, youve pretty much have no choice but to flower as ealy as possible.

check the GROWFAQ. everything you need is in there :)
have fun


Well-Known Member
Check out my grow, I began flowering at 9" or so.

If you're using halogens, i'm not really sure how you might be able to spread light around the plant. But... if you can hook yourself up 2/3 27 Watt CFL's to the sides.... This will cause the plant to focus growing moer branches from the sides instead on focusing on growing tall the few it has, and the more tops for you.

And make sure you're doing your share of topping and fimming, plays a big roll in trying to maintain height. And if it gets too tall, you could always bend and tie.



Well-Known Member
he could, your right..
BUT... like i said hes only growing one plant its best not to stress the plant at ALL hoping for a female


Active Member
Well im going to be using halogen table lamps placed roughly 5 inches above it on and i am using 3 lamps so i should be able to cover all the plant. but just to be on the safe side how much would the lamp be i need and how would i set it up in my wardrobe