How can I make my own autoflower seeds?


Active Member
I want to get a big bank of autoflower seeds. I don't mind ordering seeds online to get my starts. I could get a couple strains of autoflower and see what comes out best.

However, I want to produce a bunch of seeds so I can use them outdoors and also just fill up my clone box with low ryder or LSTed autoflower plants when it's not in use.

Can I order seeds of LowRyder for instance, and then just polinate the female lowryder with the male lowryders pollen? What about crossing two autoflower strains?

Will these come out autoflowering?

Also, is there any plant that will stay in veg with 24 hours but will autoflower in outside conditions? If I could find a plant I could keep in veg under fluorescents I might be able to take clones and then flower it at like 18 or less hours.


Well-Known Member
get a white widow seed, U'll be able to keep that in veg. Dunno if it will be auto if u cross them tho:)


Active Member
They should come out autoflowering. But you never know, it’s a little like dog breading some hit and some miss until they breed true. You can pollinate your self no problem even crossing non autoflowering dna you could still come out with some auto and some not keep breading with the ones that auto and you may come up with something new and possibly very special.


Well-Known Member
lowryders and lowryder #2's will auto flower when breed with eachother or with themselves, if you want to take another non auto flowering strain and make it auto flower you have to do this:

for your males i say use lowryder #2, it's bushier and better.
for your females, whatever you want. start these plants about six weeks before your lowryder 2's, put them in flower when your lowryders start there first set of true leaves.

take 2 lowryder #2 male's and pollinate 2 female's of plant x.

save as much pollen as you can.

keep the offspring seeds seperate.

take the offspring seeds from that cross and choose the first female from each to show sex and again pollinate those female's with lowryder #2 pollen.

ok, so now you have two batches of seeds. now you have to start inbreding them to get the autoflower to 100%, just take the quickest ones to flower and breed em together. it should only take two or three grows, but some people say for it to become stable it takes seven.


Well-Known Member
when using pollen from a non auto flower you will end up with about %5 autos and will have to do extensive inbreeding to reach %100.

using lr2 pollen on a female of another strain will give you about %25 and then inbeeding a couple of times will give you %100.

you will be wasting almost a year doing it the way you said.

Dr purps

Well-Known Member
I was thought to do it like this I used one regular male plant and pollen it with the female auto then with those seeds u just made u have to find an auto flower female and male then use that male to pollen that female then breed those seeds again by the fourth time you should turn the regular strain in to an auto some times it takes 7 times to get it done right the only thing that sucks some of those seeds r male and female only if there was a way to make them all female and one question when I cut my males and put it in a ziplock and shake it to keep the pollen and freeze it how long does the pollen stay good for
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