how can i make my own tea???

i was wondering what i should use to make some tea? and what the best method of making it? i have super thrive, diamond black humic acids, sweet, silica blast, bioroot, bio marine, bioweed, biothrive grow and bloom, overdrive, sensi grow part a & b, sensi bloom part a & b and calimagic calcium-magnesium supplement could any of these be used in a tea?


Well-Known Member
I belive you need wormcatings to make a decent tea ...

or buy em .. I use Bat guano .. 100% organic .. have one for Veg and one for flowering ..
need the powder aswell .. cost like 20$ a pice .. I will not use other then that on my next runn beside the "super" soil I hope I can mix up ..

maybe with the Plagron Green Sensasion last 4 weeks as I have it ..