How Close Is Too Close?


Active Member
I've got a 400w over Butterscotch Hawaiian x G13 Haze, Blueberry and a Gigabud. My blueberry is more than twice the size of all the rest. Reaching no less than inches from the light. Its not showing any negative signs, but should I move it away before something bad happens? Or should I let it just eat up the light like its been doing. I must say that my butter's are luscious and growing more wide than tall. They actually are at most are 6-7 inches but covering the 3gallon? pots I have them in?

One more thing? My gigabud is growing really skimpy-like. The fan leaves look like kid hands to adult hands compared to the other plants. I only grow for personal use and I HATE lying so if someone asks me for pot I'll hook them up. Me being the selfish person that I am, I grew the gigabud (which I didn't want to grow) just as give away bud. Is it worth growing? Or should I just kill it now? I really want to devote my 400w to growing quality monster mothers and we all know G13 Labs is worth the shit on a dogs ass. Any Opinions? Sorry for any incoherentness or digressions or confusions.


Well-Known Member
im often told the closer the better just make sure the temps dont go over 28.c however personally i find that even wen temps r down if the light is closer than about 2 ft then the leaves appear to stress slightly and growth slows down!! but others will disagree so jus read ya plants if the leaves start stressing drop it bck if not leave em:) just check daily gd luck, i have a deformed seedling also im gunna chuck it in anyways fill the space its gunna produce summit if on ly jus a half for a gd toke down an poker game :)


hummm. how long have you been growing the gigabud? i would say give it a chance but i also cant see it since there are no pics of it. as for the blueberry, if it is stressing i would leave it, but at the same time you could raise the lights but you just need to make sure its not to far from your other plants. maybe raise the other two plants if you need to also to make them even with the blueberry and then move the light up


Active Member
Since the original post the gigabud has bursted with growth so I decided to keep her. She is now bigger than both my Butters with the exception that her leaves are very skinny. And I know that indicas have narrow leaves but they look anorexic skinny. I think its just crappy genes though. Anyways, I noticed that my blueberry was starting to burn so to make it easier on myself I moved blueberry further away. Plus raising the lights would have been non beneficial to the other ladies.

I just started flowering today and I am afraid blue is gonna hit higher than 5 ft. during flowering (Yowza!:shock:). Oh and I vegged for a full 6 weeks.