how close should the plants be ???

shaunie boy

Active Member
hello everyone just a quick one but im growing 9 fems in a 1m 1m 2m grow tent and was wondering should i be putting all the plants close together or space them out. does it matter if they grow into each other as iv got 3 different strains in there .??? any help please thanks ppl



Active Member
looking good, I say it doesn't matter if they grow into each other, just make sure that they receive good lighting, usually the shorter plants get covered up by the bigger ones, so you will have to make some adjustments. looking good so far though.

shaunie boy

Active Member
nice one just worried cos there different strains. what do u think a good hight is to start them on flower as iv only got 1m 50 after u take away space for the extraction and light fans etc?

shaunie boy

Active Member
thats wat i was guna do but i had cheese palnts before i started them on flower at 40 cm and they finished at like 120 cm so u recon 50cm yeah bcos the others in the middle are smaller .