How concerned should I be?

Hey there! First time outdoor grower. Growing in pots on my porch in large containers. One of my plants has been dealing with more spots etc on leaves. I have noticed a few small bugs but nothing crazy, removing them each time and started spraying neem oil. Can anyone ID the issue? And how worried I should be about overall health of my plant? My other outdoor female has maybe one or two of the spots but not on the level of this plant. 52370D1A-7366-4204-903E-363A10F1B6DF.jpeg



Well-Known Member

Czarstroke did it start on the lower branches and then spread up? If it's progressed that far ahead.

Looks like the start of magnesium deficiency, spots in the margins of the lower leaves.

Try adding Cal-Mag.


Here's a great chart on deficiencies, click on it to bring up tools for enlarging:

