How do I ask for nutrients?


Tomorrow I'm going to go to a garden centre and pick up my nutes for my first grow, but I have a bit of a problem: I don't know what normal people call liquid nutrients.

If I walk in and say "I need two bottles of nutes, one for vegging and one for flowering, for uh.. tomatoes" they're going to know exactly what I'm doing.

I'm considering just going in and acting totally oblivious like I've been told by my mother to get the nutrients, but they might try to steer me towards something unsuitable since I can't tell them what the nutes are being used for.

So, do regular gardeners just call them nutrients? Are shop workers told to keep an eye out for potential cannabis growers? I imagine a guy in his early twenties who looks like he's never seen the light of day, buying marijuana nutes would be a huge red flag.



Well-Known Member
you actually can walk in and ask for vegging and flowering nutes for tomatoes. they too, like many other plants, vegetate and flower. iunno where you live but buying fertilizer at a garden center isn't a crime. neither is growing cannabis for personal use. try to think of it that way.


Well-Known Member
just say u want some soluable fertilizer for grow and bloom. on the other hand u could just go to your closest hydro store..they no what your growing so they wont ask what its for.


Well-Known Member
If you're worried about asking for nutes order online or like mentioned before, find a hydro shop. I don't know what you plan on buying at a garden shop, but I would think that they won't have nutrients specifically made for your grow. How old are your plants? If they're in the right kind of soil you go a month without needing nutes. I would suggest doing a little more research on this topic and get a better understanding of what you need and when. You'll get more confused by all the guessing that goes on here, than if you just read a little yourself. Here is a link to a nutrients page