How do I dry my trimmings, so I can bake them?


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to know if there is some kind of method to drying trimmings so they are good to make butter with, or if I can just make butter with them freshly cut?
I was thinking if I just left them out they would look like the rotten yellow leaves that shrivel and die on my plants.
So do I have to put them in a paper bag, or glass jar, or just leave them out or what?

Thanks for the help!

ownage al

Active Member
You should be okay with after trimming, let dry out (kinda like the nuggets) and then store them in a jar, let them get daily air though...

you could probably cook with them any time though


Active Member
put in a brown paper bag and leave it open for about a week or so until everything is dry. You could also put a papertowel or two in there as well to help absorb more moisture. Shake around the trimmings a few times a day to move them around to get the leaves on the bottom towards the top. Moisture is your enemy, do not seal the bag or put in air tight container. I would exercise some patience and wait for them to dry out and not bake them, because it is soooo easy to get the oven too hot and degrade the thc (especally if your oven is a piece of shit). Essentially turning your oven into a huge vaporizer, hot enough to burn the thc and not the leaf matter. Brown bag and wait. Then make your hash when dry, imo just like the better you cure your buds the better it gets, the better you cure your clippings the better the hash.