how do i finish my plant? 56day of flowering


Active Member
hi all, it make 56day of flowering, i want smoke my shit guy! can some one tell me how do i finish it?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't like like its ready you hav waited this long whats a couple more weeks.Say the same thing evey week. Get some molassa and start warting her with that and you will see a incress they say i use it everytime i water 1 talbespoon per gallon. You will be smoking I plan to water cure a small portaion so you can hav some to smoke while waiting


Well-Known Member
1. Flush it for 2 weeks.
2. Harvest.
3. Dry and cure.

So your looking at still at least 1.5 months before you should smoke it, IF you want it done semi right.