how do i flush?


hi all, im nearing the final 2 weeks of flowering and was just curious to know what the best way to flush my plants, i am growing in bat special soil any answers would b a great help....


Active Member
:oops:im growing in soil also and if i got a 8 weeker for instance..i give it 60 days feed, 3-4 just ph' water, thats enough flush, normal watering... sorry wake and bake


Well-Known Member
ive been told not to bother flushing in using soil ?
BUT if you have to flush, just stop using ferts NOW, and start using good clean h20 !

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
If you flush for the last 2 weeks you are losing that time when the buds are going to fatten up so i wouldnt do a 2 weeks flush but someone else will tell you different it all depends on personal preference

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Some people don't bother some flush for 2 weeks some for 1 you will have to look at your plants and decide yourself but if you don't flush mske sure you cure it well


Active Member
Bro about 5 days before u plan on chopping her down put just as much H20 thru her as the pot shes in so if its a 5 gallon bucket give her a 5 gallon bath...Do this when u first turn ur lights on also if u can...Just PH to 6 give her a nice bath then water for the next 2-3 days then nothing for final 2-3 days to help the drying time...GL