How Do I Get my own Femenized from an Auto-flowering Plant???

Im looking into Auto-flowering plants because of my lack of space and light control. And femenized AF seeds are expensive. So i was wondering if i can buy a pack of femenized AF seeds, then stress the hell out of one of the plants to try and make it produce seeds. Ive heard you cant clone AF plants, so i need to have one of my plants make seeds so i dont have to keep buying them. It would only make since $ wise if i can produce my own seeds after the first buy. Can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction before i take this route. Thanks Much!!


Well-Known Member
I have never tried this, but I have read this somewhere not on RUI.

Plant one of the seeds weeks ahead of the others. Let them bud as normal, but the one you planted ahead of time, DONT HARVEST!!!! just keep letting it bud and mature (and be sure its not pollinated in the process! this is key!!!). If the plant keeps budding and is not polinated it will grow what looks like a banana on top (this contains female sperms) and it will burst and pollinate. Since the plant is too old to have pollinated itself, it pollinates the plants around it. SO! You have a few plants that have been pollinated with all female sperm, so you should end up with female seeds!

Remember, I have not tryed this myself and am not even 60% sure if it is true, but its worth a shot! If it doesnt work, then just sell the left over bud and buy a new batch of seeds and start over and try something else!