Well-Known Member
I work for a cannabis cultivation center in Illinois and over the summer we harvested our outdoor grow. About 17,000 plants. About 1/3 of the harvest was contaminated with white powdery mildew and I happened to bring it home with me to my closet grow I've been dealing with it for about 4 months and Everytime I think I get rid of it it comes right back. I have since moved indoors and away from contaminated plants so I am positive I am not continuing to to bring it home with me. We have very strict sanitation routines indoors and the wpm is not an issue inside only in our outdoor grow which is located up the road from the main facility. How can I get rid of this stuff and prevent it from come back? I just harvested and was able to save my crops before it got too bad but don't want it to return. My grow room currently sits empty in preparation for cleaning and sanitizing. Any suggestions? organic or chemical.