how do i know my plant is ready to put into flower??


Active Member
Hello there, i've got a 5 week old plant and was wondering is there tell tale signs that you should look for to know when your plant is ready to put into flower? was planning in about 2 weeks but dont want to rush it. it's a northern light indica if that helps.
any input would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Little stipulas will begin to form on her that is when I pull the trigger, go google stipulas on google images they look like little hairs.


Active Member
sorry not quite getting this alternating nodes. when im thinking of might not be whats mentioned. i've had these little hairs for a couple of weeks now but never thought much of it as plant was still young. alternating nodes im asuming branches going one way then next lot sprouting the other side?? sorry if sounds dumb.
2012-06-19 19.31.33.jpg


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you're looking at, but I see no "hairs" in the pic. The only hairs are the pistils and those will be white and slender when you first see them.


Active Member
granted my photo taking is pretty shite looking at it. aye i've got wee white hairs coming through. pretty small tho, think i might leave till the 6 week mark. give the stem a chance to thicken a bit more. cheers for the input people.