How Do I Look At Me?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
what i am in others views is insignificant. what is significant is what i am in my own view. but we are in the habit of seeing ourselves through other people eyes and we forget that there is a direct and immediate way to see ourselves. and this alone is the real way to see, because it is not indirect. so firstly we create false images of ourselves and wear masks to deceive others, and then we base our opinions of ourselves on how others see us.

it is so important to know yourself as you are, what you are, because only after this has been done can any steps be taken in some authentic direction of self realization.


Active Member
we have been conditioned by society to act and think a certain way. this isnt always a bad thing, but society is judgmental and it shows by how close minded people can be. if you want to do something and people think its weird just say fuck them and do it


Active Member
We all live different lifes. lifes that are not onlyh formed by outside forces by external forces.

In most peoples lifes we hit was is callled maturity. At this point in time we beome one, more directed by our own feelings than by external feelings. Sadly enough ther are many peoplt that go to there grave mever learning this very important role.

i myself try at all times to humbel my self, but i do agree ther are other times i am not proud of********************


Well-Known Member
anyone else ever get truman show syndrome? the feeling like its all a set? ever feel like the director slipped up? but it was only an acid flashbback? anyone ever seen "they live"?( 1988 )
Do we really see what we think we see or are colors and shapes distorted by what our perception wants to see? because no body else could ever see it from your point of view to understand.