How do I maintain a mother plant


Well-Known Member
It's been some time. Last grow was nice for the 6 seeds i purchased. 4 grown indoor tent and 2 in garden. Better results with indoor.

Anyway, i am interested in keeping a mother plant so i do not have to continually purchase seed and risk law enforcement. Not to mention lower costs.

I just ordered some feminized seed. If i germinate one or 2 and keep under 18 hour lights is this how I maintain a mother? No change in spectrum or shorter light cycle just simply 18 hr light for the mother. Will cuttings from the mother be feminized? i assume so.

I only have one tent so Im thinking flower most of the plants in the tent and in the same room maintain mother outside of tent. My only concern is outside of tent less control over temp, humidity etc. Does that matter with a mother? Am i correct that the only way to keep a vegatative mother is a long photoperiod which means keep her inside under light?


Well-Known Member
Use the largest pot you can think of

18 gallon rope handled tubs work great, something larger if you wish.

Maintain like you would any other plant in Veg basically. Vegetative plants are pretty hardy to conditions.

18/6-24/0 any amount of time between there will work fine. Make sure you LST and train your branches so you will have plenty of good places to take cuttings.


Well-Known Member
It kinda depends on how you want to grow overall. I'm trying out SOG and so I'm taking cuttings every 2-3 weeks, rooting them and going straight to flower. For my setup is easy to take care of 15 smaller plants than 5-8 larger plants. My reasoning is that by having mostly cola bud trimming becomes much easier. Not to mention I have more of continuous harvest. Once and a while i'll flower the mothers before they get too big.

Prune accordingly and keep them happy. Mothers can go years without a problem if you take care of them.
I believe in 24 hour veg for the fastest growth. Put her in a large pot and just keep it on 24 (or 18, whichever you prefer). She is eventually going to outgrow the pot, so you have the option of trimming the root ball every few months so it doesn't get rootbound. Don't go crazy, too much will shock the plant. When you take her out of her pot you'll want a tarp to shake the dirt off the roots before you trim. If she gets too gnarly or you've flowered her a few times, consider swapping her out with a cutting (think of it like a fountain of youth). Eventually, she will get tired.