How do I Pass a Saliva Swab Test in a Few Days?

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I have a new job coming up and they do a swab test. I've never had one of those before. I smoked last night and I think I can put off the test until like wednesday. what are my chances of passing? What can I do to up the odds?


Well-Known Member
It is EXTREMELY easy to pass a saliva swab test. Just quit for a few days, though its unnecessary since my close friend smokes the night before one of these tests. Anyway stopping prior to it helps, the morning of the test just brush the shit out of your mouth, i mean tongue, gums, cheeks everything. Then afterwords gargle with a bunch of mouth wash. Before you go into take the test smoke a cigarette and you'll be golden. Like i said these tests are super easy and nothing to worry about. Just follow my tips and relax friend, you'll be gainfully employed in no time!


Well-Known Member
Neighbor had one for a job too. She didn't know and had smoked about an hour before her interview/test. All she did was chew a piece of gum so her breath didn't smell of pot and passed. Saliva tests are pretty useless in determining anything, unless it's withing 5 minutes or so of smoking or drinking. No worries, just don't smoke right before your test and you should be fine.