HOW Do I Stop this BUG !?


i don’t use any type of insecticide on my plants they have organic soil also . I keep having this worm eat my leaves . It’s a tiny 1/2in long brownish worm that climbs onto the bottom leaves of my juveniles and eats holes and whole sections of my leaves ! It’s not a slug or snail , I’ll try and get a pic of it next time . I’ve picked off and killed 2 of them so far .

But What should I do to try and prevent this or go to the commercial route and purchase some kind of spray for this ?

What kind of insect do you think this is ?
Yes spray those fuckers..
Monterey Garden Insect Spray with spinosad kills any kind of leaf munchers and it's safe for organic soil.
I ended up just purchasing this . The Spray with Spinosad was like 13$ at my store . I grabbed ged this neem oil extract organic spray to see if it’ll work . I soaked the ground all around my pots and leaves . Hope it doesn’t burn them