how do these ladies look


Hey guys these little girls are a little over a month old in a mix of happy frog and ocean forest mixed with miracle grow perlite I think they may have a nitrogen deficiency or somthing they are under a 400 watt metalhalide hi bay fixture in a cabinet the pots are a cocoa fiber 5 gallon they have fans running on them constantly



Well-Known Member
I think he's just referring to Miracle Grows version of Perlite. Thats ok. I sure dont see anything wrong with 'em.


Sorry for sounding over protective this is just my first serious grow I am so stoked and am having alot of fun though every now and then I hit them with some fish emulsion for some nitrogen and just got some tiger bloom which is a fertilizer made by the guys who make happy frog and its like a shot of phosphorus its got a 2-8-4 formula and have ready access to all sorts of nutrients and fertilizers because I work at a nursery