how do they get so big?


Active Member
I have never done outdoor growing, but i have seen pictures of some huge plants. How do they get super huge? I know there is a lot more light, but since you are only getting a lot less light during the vegging period, how do they grow so big?


Well-Known Member
good soil..plenty of water and nutes..and tons of room for root growth..and when they are in veg outdoors..they are gettin more light, not less! I have had 7 footers that yielded over a pound!


Well-Known Member
The only way to get large plants is to either use large pots or to put the plant in a prepared plot with bomb soil and good nutrients in the ground...

My plant last year was 6 ft tall and yielded 11oz's, it was in a rock planter which i think contributed to the quality...

Growing in the ground is the way pot was meant to be grown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
ive seen my growers outdoor crop and one of his passon no.1 plants was over 9feet tall with a huge cola on it that was about 2 1/2 feet long lol it was a sight to see !!


Well-Known Member
good soil..plenty of water and nutes..and tons of room for root growth..and when they are in veg outdoors..they are gettin more light, not less! I have had 7 footers that yielded over a pound!
yea man, rooting room and effective nutes are the biggest factor (other than strain type). get a couple good 50%+ sativa's and throw'em out in the sun with a good sized 3x3x3 hole and some uber nutes (lots of nitro for new leaf/stem growth) and trim away the leaves/branches which dont get light, you to can have 10'ers.


Well-Known Member
First you need the genes for monsters, then lots of manures, bone meal, green sand, dried blood, kelp, guano, compost and lime. Then lots of sun and some water


avg indoor lumens per sq ft is about 5 maybe 8 k....avg day sunlight is 10000 lumens per sq ft, they grow inside the never ending ground so rootbound is impssible, there lkight is over 500 miles away from them with many things blockingso they are reaching toward something, and its just there 100% natural enviro, plants should NOT grow under 5 ft tall imo, technically people shorten em for there needs, marijuana plants like to grow huge, thats what they do

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member


Active Member
boy that fdd guy sure does grow some big ones. lol. maby I need to have him help me with some out door. :mrgreen:

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
boy that fdd guy sure does grow some big ones. lol. maby I need to have him help me with some out door. :mrgreen:

A little tooo big if you ask me.... I mean you would think one would come out like that because its like mutant or something, But he has a hole F'n army of them, its ridiculous. Im so jealous...


Active Member
timmy, I'm just pokin fun at him. I'm moving and as soon as I get set up I'm going to have some outdoor started inside in late dec ready for the out's season at hopefully 3 or 4 foot tall by march or early april. Big plants are awesome, I'm hoping to have them hitting 8 or 9 feet tall but really bushy by harvest time.


Well-Known Member
timmy, I'm just pokin fun at him. I'm moving and as soon as I get set up I'm going to have some outdoor started inside in late dec ready for the out's season at hopefully 3 or 4 foot tall by march or early april. Big plants are awesome, I'm hoping to have them hitting 8 or 9 feet tall but really bushy by harvest time.

:bigjoint: bongsmilie :eyesmoke: :blsmoke: