How do they look?


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to take a second and post a few pics of my first three plants and see what everyone thought about them. They are on the sixth day of flowering now, Just now starting to smell it's great :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Guess I should post pics before I hit the submit button sorry bout that. I'm starting to think I might have three girls but I am only 100% on one of them so far but nothing that looks male as of yet,


Well-Known Member
I've got a total of three flowering. Only one has shown sex and I "think" its a female. But its only day 7 of flowering so I'm holding off on being 100% on any of them till I see something bigger than the tiny hairs I've seen on the one plant. No male pollen sacks so far so that is a good sign I hope. But I do know I prob wont be able to tell until week two or so. Thanks for saying they are looking good. It's my first time to grow and I wont say "wow this is easy" but it's not as bad as many people like to make it out to be if you just pay attention to what your plants are telling you. I had some yellowing way early but I was using soil from outside. I moved them over to some scotts and they are doing MUCH better. I'm off tomorrow to hunt down some fox farms stuff but its slim pickings here with it being winter and all


Well-Known Member
Well I'm now 100% that one of them is a female I can see nice pairs of white hairs around the 7th node. One of the other plants is looking a lot like the female was 3 days ago so I'm thinking that it's female as well. Will post some pics once they get large enough for my cam to get good pics of them.


Well-Known Member
Who knows I might just be crazy but does anyone else talk to their plants? I tend to do it a lot that and music, I'm always playing music for them lol,

Active Member
i love that feeling when its ...........A Girl...nearly feels like christmas morning when you were a little1


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure I have two different strains growing here. There are two of the plants that are very bushy and have long leaf growth coming out just above the fan leaf stems. The the last plant has a much thicker main stem and the leaf growth above each fan leaf stem at the nodes does not seem to grow much it just makes little clusters of leaves not far from the main stem. Where as the other two bushy plants those growths are growing out just as far as the fan leaves.



Well-Known Member
Quick question. I currently have 245watts of CFL's on the 3 plants. Would it be better to add a 150watt HPS light or add 245 more watts of CFL's for a total of 490watts of CFL's?


Well-Known Member
get a $20 150w hps and youll be fine. Add some more cfls after that if you want. The more light, the more bud


Well-Known Member
Well we're at day 12 of flowering. One came up male got it out of there. One female, nice white hairs growing all over. Started a little bit of lst on her. The third plant that I topped is still not showing signs of sex.


Well-Known Member
Well its down to just one plant. Day 13 of flowering. Ended up with 2 males and the one female. She's bending very nice, all her alt bud sites are starting to explode with little white hairs. On the up side of things all might lights are now on the one plant where I'm flowering. A nice big 62watt cfl backed up by 7 42watt cfl's. Feel free to share any idea's or opinions.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would post a little update here. Sat will be the end of the 3rd week of 12/12. Just the one plant left but she's got flowers all over and they are just now starting to gain some bulk. Enjoy the pics.



Well-Known Member
looking good man! your plant looks a lot like mine actually, im about 3.5 weeks into veg. i can kind of see your light fixture with all the goosenecks, where in the heck did you get that?! it looks perfect for positioning cfls!


Well-Known Member
looking good man! your plant looks a lot like mine actually, im about 3.5 weeks into veg. i can kind of see your light fixture with all the goosenecks, where in the heck did you get that?! it looks perfect for positioning cfls!
It's just a 5 arm lamp I got at target. they are pretty tall so your plant cant be on the floor. But they also sell 3 arm desk lamps that are much shorter.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would post a small update here. starting week 7 with my CFL's. She's starting to fill out very nice for such a small little plant. From the looks of it I'm thinking at least two more weeks. Enjoy the pics any advice is welcome.

