how do u deal with rootrot ? +rep


Well-Known Member
looks like i got root rot which sucks cos im about to put me plants in flower soon , looks like its been going on awhile to ..
i went and bought some oxy plus "hydrogen peroxide" so im hoping this helps im also thinking of just cutting the real shitty roots off and cleaning out my res, how do u guys deal with root rot ? i dont wanna lose these baby's.
O and i think the problem started because i had little light holes in my hydroton "clay pebbles" which i didnt think was a big deal at the time. +rep


Well-Known Member
as u can see my leaves have like a silver necrosis thing going on , and so do my seedlings that are just sitting in rockwool which is u think it could of been caused because i made the noob mistake of misting with the lights on ?


Well-Known Member
peroxide is the way to deal with the problem, you will need to do a treatement that will require some water usage, fill the totes give a full dosage of peroxide about 1% of H2O2 3% for a day and drain the next day flush res and repeat until the rot is gone. theres several reasons how rot could start mostly high res temps and not enough air bubbles. what air pump you using and for how big a res?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input im pretty sure it started cos there was light getting into the res, can u explain those dosages again i didnt quite get it , oxyplus said to add 2ml per 10litres every 3 days or 1ml/10l for everyday useage so i did 4ml/10litres just for 24 hours then ill bring it down.


Well-Known Member
He is just writing one dosage I believe, it's a 1% solution of 3% 2ho2, that's the stuff that you get at the market or drugstore. I don't know oxyplus but, suspect that it's closer to a 35% solution. I would just follow the directions on your bottle, keep an eye on it, stop the light getting in and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
yes i was referring to the 3%H2O2 which i DONT use but i see many growers who do. what i have is 35% and i use it at 0.1% you should be fine with the bottle suggestions, i never buy these pricey brands i get industrial bulks od 30L H2O2 so i dont care much for usage


Well-Known Member
well ive been doing hours of research and apperently h202 is only good for preventing pythium "root rot" apperently once an outbreak has allready occured it wont keep up , ive found a few good products for treating root rot ones called rebound it looks good.


Active Member
looks like i got root rot which sucks cos im about to put me plants in flower soon , looks like its been going on awhile to ..
i went and bought some oxy plus "hydrogen peroxide" so im hoping this helps im also thinking of just cutting the real shitty roots off and cleaning out my res, how do u guys deal with root rot ? i dont wanna lose these baby's.
O and i think the problem started because i had little light holes in my hydroton "clay pebbles" which i didnt think was a big deal at the time. +rep

Might want to try these a little along with your other solution. it might help. the product claims to do a before and after root rot problems so try it out.


Well-Known Member
get some 35% h202 and start adding 1ml daily per gal this is a good preventative and will help with what your fighting. you will also need to cut out the dead roots and change the res often til water quits being white and smelly. high temps are typically the cause of root rot in hydro grows
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