how do you flush a plant?


Well-Known Member
i am having a problem with my plants and some one told me i need to flush them but i dont know how. SO how do you flush them?


New Member
Flushing just means give them straight water. no added nutrients.
Sometimes it is good to take the plants out of the light for a day and see what happens. Especially if they are stresses. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
i am having a problem with my plants and some one told me i need to flush them but i dont know how. SO how do you flush them?


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Flushing just means give them straight water. no added nutrients.
Sometimes it is good to take the plants out of the light for a day and see what happens. Especially if they are stresses. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
i use cfl's would i still want to take it out for the day? also would i put it in a dark room or just out in a room that gets some sunlight


Well-Known Member
Flushing your plants should be used as a last resort. Check your Ph, look for defficiency's and try to fix them, and if it doesnt get better or worses in 2 weeks with just plain water feed then flush.


Well-Known Member
Dutch Soil Growers Flush Every 7-10 Days Ritually. So Its Not A "last Resort" Do It Right And Your Plants Will Love You.


New Member
I use grandma's molasses! It makes your buds grow big and fat. You can buy it in any supermarket. I think they try to sell for a lot of money as carbo load at nute stores. What I want to know is can you still add molasses to your water when you flush.

what kind of mollasses would you use just regular or what and how?


New Member
Oh shit I am asking in the wrong place. I thought this was about flushing at the end of the flowering period. Thats the flushing I thought we were talking about here. So when IO ask about the molasses I am talking about at the end of your grow.