how do you guys order from attitude these days?


Well-Known Member
The card i used back in February doesnt work anymore. Will some one please let me know how i can order. Im tring to get an order before The promotion is over.


Well-Known Member
Card or code. Code for 10% is 420. Often when your card doesn't work you need to call the bank or the number on the card and authorize an international purchase. Then you are good to go. (so I hear.)


Active Member
I have to call my CC company every time I want to order from Attitude (4x successful so far). Then it goes through fine.


Well-Known Member
Why worry when you have a card?
Because it's illegal to do. The card is meaningless to procure seeds or clones from anywhere out of State and out of the Country. Feds will probably just take them and send you a letter telling you to come to their office to talk about it if you wish to. But they can go after you on a Federal level. I don't think it's much of a stretch to catch a conspiracy charge if they feel like it. I've had one package taken and gotten that letter from them.


Active Member
Because it's illegal to do. The card is meaningless to procure seeds or clones from anywhere out of State and out of the Country. Feds will probably just take them and send you a letter telling you to come to their office to talk about it if you wish to. But they can go after you on a Federal level. I don't think it's much of a stretch to catch a conspiracy charge if they feel like it. I've had one package taken and gotten that letter from them.
Stand up and be counted is my take on it.


Well-Known Member
I have well over 50 orders. To a half dozen places. It's all good.
The reason some credit cards make you authorize is because of international theft. If someone from a foreign country steals money from your Bank of America card, wtf are they gonna do? That is why they have the authorizations.