how do you make hash??


Well-Known Member
i have watched hours of you tube vids on different ways to make hash. i wanted to get a general idea of the most used method by fellow growers. If you could post ur perfered method and a maybe a pic of resulting hash.:confused:


New Member
I use a coffee grinder.
The crystals stick to the lid, and the veg matter falls back down.
Use a paint brush to gather the crystals on wax paper.(I usually just smoke that, but)
Fold wax paper, and tape.
Cover with newspaper, and tape again.
Wet with water.
Heat in low heated oven for about 3 minutes.
Remove, and press evenly. I used an old whiskey bottle on a counter.
Re-wet, and re-heat. then press again.
Smoke up homie!


Well-Known Member
Next time bro, try using the search feature. But, anyhow.. here.. here's a chart for you.

what you do with it is your business.




Well-Known Member
There are basically 2 varieties of hash. One is extracted oil mixed with a small amount of carbon (I call this extracted hash), the other is mechanically removing the tricomes (I call this mechanical hash). Extracted hash uses a solvent to strip the THC oil out of the herb, leaving carbon, sugars, chlorophyll, etc. This leaves an oil which can be mixed back in with carbon (either ground up herbs, or matter left over after extraction, or whatever really). Mechanical hash usually freezes the tricomes/oil and then mechanically separates this from the rest of the matter. The most common method for making this kind of hash are called bubble bags, and are basically a system of progressively smaller sieves. You freeze the plant matter, and the THC is filtered through the sieves, each removing more and more of the non-psychoactive materials.

Each has benefits and challenges. For a first time without doing a lot of research, I would suggest either doing the bubble bags, or using butane to make oil and then mixing that back into small amounts of the material you extracted from, or a small amount of ground up bud. With butane you could also just leave it in oil form and use it, however it's not quite as convenient, and take a little getting used to before you get good at ways to use it in oil form.


New Member
I personally just used those ice bag sets, a 3 bag set, quite expensive really. I used a pound of popcorn bud, ran it through twice and got about half oz at best so didn't seem the most productive in terms of yield. Tho as I say, I hadn't used one before myself so perhaps I was just crap.


Well-Known Member
I personally just used those ice bag sets, a 3 bag set, quite expensive really. I used a pound of popcorn bud, ran it through twice and got about half oz at best so didn't seem the most productive in terms of yield. Tho as I say, I hadn't used one before myself so perhaps I was just crap.
Using just trim with bubble bags I'll usually get around 10% of what I put in. Did you try to do the whole pound at once?


Well-Known Member
I make hash often so i'm not sitting on too much bud i picked (and in case i need immediate relief). I have a friend who makes moonshine, and i dont drink, but i pick them up from him in jars.
1. Take mini food processor/grinder and I put diff strains of bud in it.
2. I carefully pour all the fine ground buds into a glass jar that once cured bud (crystals on glass walls even if you can't see em)
3. I pour the moonshine in until it touches the top of the ground bud in the bottom.
4. I shake the hell out of that jar like I'm having a spastic attack. they say for under a minute but I go for like 2 minutes just to get it all. (quality of my hash has NOT gone down doing this)
5. I unscrew and pop off the top of the jar, I quickly put a coffee filter upsidedown over the glass jar opening.
6. I quickly flip the jar holding the filter under the hole tightly over a clean Glass (Pyrex) baking pan.
7. I stand there like a fool letting it drip for like 5 minutes... maybe less but seems that long or longer.
8. I quickly take the jar off not letting any bud fall in below pan.
9. I fold the corners of the filter until its wrapped so all buds are in filter.
10. I squeeze the crap out of it till all alcohol is out in and in pan with 0 leaf material.
11. I put the pan in a dark spot with good airflow to dry over 3 days.
12. I take a metal lasagna scooper and I scrape every bit of the hash off the clear glass (pyrex) pan.
13. I take that ball of hash which is moist but not wet and I put it in a little glass bowl with a top over it to dry another day
14. I take what I want from it and smoke it. :)

People say to heat it to rush the alcohol evaporation, but I say flame + alcohol = BAD. Why take a risk, we are pot smokers not heroin addicts. Also this was an isopropyl method but iso is not healthy, whereas moonshine is drinkable, thus i'm not afraid to smoke if anything is left over in the end condensed cannabis product.

Be safe.


Well-Known Member
They way I make hash/oil is really easy.. Anyone can do it..

Get your weed, anything from 2 grams to an ounce.. Grind it up well.. Get a jar that all of the ground up weed fits in with extra space.. Grab a bottle of 91% Isopropyl alcohol and dump it in the jar covering the weed.. Shake for 2 minutes.. Have another jar ready with a coffee filter rubberbanded to it.. Pour your alcohol/weed mixture into the coffee filter, let it drain mostly into the jar, then take off the filter and squeeze the remaining alcohol out.. What will be left is a brownish green liquid.. Pour this liquid on a glass dish or plate with a flat surface.. Get a hair dryer, put it on the lowest setting.. Point it on the liquid on the plate and wave it back and forth till the liquid has all evaporated.. Scrape up the remaining material on the plate with a razor blade.. This is hash.. It will be very sticky and soft, but if you let it dry out it will become hard and pliable.. Try it, I promise it works..


Well-Known Member
They way I make hash/oil is really easy.. Anyone can do it..

Get your weed, anything from 2 grams to an ounce.. Grind it up well.. Get a jar that all of the ground up weed fits in with extra space.. Grab a bottle of 91% Isopropyl alcohol and dump it in the jar covering the weed.. Shake for 2 minutes.. Have another jar ready with a coffee filter rubberbanded to it.. Pour your alcohol/weed mixture into the coffee filter, let it drain mostly into the jar, then take off the filter and squeeze the remaining alcohol out.. What will be left is a brownish green liquid.. Pour this liquid on a glass dish or plate with a flat surface.. Get a hair dryer, put it on the lowest setting.. Point it on the liquid on the plate and wave it back and forth till the liquid has all evaporated.. Scrape up the remaining material on the plate with a razor blade.. This is hash.. It will be very sticky and soft, but if you let it dry out it will become hard and pliable.. Try it, I promise it works..
Yes that does work. but Isopropyl is nasty stuff, using a drinkable high proof everclear like alcohol is ideal.


Active Member
make honey oil, put all your leftovers in to a plastic bottle, throw the lid away put a coffee filter over the lid end with some tape, put a hole in the bottom of the bottle and fill the bottle with butane gas until no liquid runs out, collect the liquid in a bowl put that bown into another bowl that is filled with warm water and the butane evaporates and leaves you with honey oils
All I do is save all my leaves and shake then I use some screen printing frames the kind to make t-shirts that I have and use for a dry sieve I put the screen over a mirror tocatch the goods. This doesn't make the purest hash but I've smoked it and lost four hours of time plus it is the quickest way I know. Just sift and smoke.


Well-Known Member
Thanx to all u stoners. i think i will go with the screen method,press and bake. i have been making iso hash for years and i am sick of it, proably should have put that in my original post. the shit is gross, it tastes nasty and is hard to work with.
I just press my kief with my fingers and if it is good
Kief it will stick together in nice blocks. I've never baked hash before but I would think u would lose some to the heat. But all this hash talk is yummy


Well-Known Member
I strip down 4-5 slaves and make them run thru my fields untill they are covered with sweat and kief,
I then scrape them off with a knife till clean walla hash.
Tim :weed:

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I have made hash with ISO and ICE
The Ice hash is much nicer to smoke but is a little time consuming but worth it
I dont like the cemicals in the ISO 91% that leaves 9% of something in your hash
Im sure you will enjoy it eather way