How Do You Smoke Your Bong?


Well-Known Member
Got in an argument the other day with a friend about how I should smoke my bong. Fill up the bowl or just load enough for one hit. I like to fill it up and pass it around he say that sucks and should only load one hit aat a time? What do you folks around the world say?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Unless it's a bowl of hash, we always felt that a "freshie" for each person is the correct way to smoke a bong.

First and foremost, if you pack a bowl the first person is the only one who will get a "tasty" hit. The tube needs to be cleared or the next hit is much harsher and will probably make the person rasp out.

It's also more economical on yer buds!

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
That was his theory as well. I guess it just dont bother me. Usually when I choose the bong to get high it just for that get high fast! If I have some particularly"tasty" ganja I prefer a nice joint to enjoy the full flavours


Well-Known Member
i always pack it full, fuck packing one hit at a time, i wouldnt have any time to type anyting id be packing my bong all night


Well-Known Member
LoL @ Primeralives , I sometimes find myself packing party sized bowls but you never know when you might have to leave the house and can't finish the bowl off and when you come back to it just doesn't taste right for me.


Active Member
that last comment about not being able to finish a bowl


is all i can say you to good toker, you should always be able to finish it, now depending on the situation but i pref big bowls that way if i decide on going crazy and doing a 2hooter in one hoot then at least i know its there... hehe


Well-Known Member
Hehe I said depending on situations...I have a crazy living situation with crazy roommates and you also never know who is coming over at my place, it can sometimes be people that you don't want to know know your smoking. So I find it easier to just pack a nice 1 hitter and be done with it and if I find the need to pack myself another ... hey its only a few more seconds away.


Well-Known Member
yeah man 2 hooter in one hoot rocks! and
double /slap for all the non bowl finisher out there, its only proper etiquette to finish the bowl


Well-Known Member
big fat bowl loads. stir in some oil and top it off with kif. i can get 10 hits outta my fat bowl.


Well-Known Member
I load mine all the way up because I'm usually laying down on the bed with my pipe watching a movie or some TV and it can get a little difficult loading bowls on there so I try to load the bowl as little as possible

And the only time I don't finish my bowl is if I pass out from being too high



Well-Known Member
My bong is a one hit acrylic bong.
If I am smoking with someone else I have a bowl.
Kinda of hard to explain bowl
It is a hollow glass tube that is about 5" long.
It has another smaller hollow stem with a slitted end to stop the weed from going thru.
I would say that If I needed to I could pack about an eigth of ground up weed in it.
I usually just put about a joints worth in it though. Anymore than that tastes like shit about halfway thru smoking it.
The only time I smoke j's is when I am driving.


Active Member
I pack bigger bowls when I'm with friends but a personal bowl with 1hit when its just me.

I don't own a bong. I have a bowl like some of the other guys.Its basically a 5" glass piece with a shotgun on most.