How Do You Water/Feed Multiple Plants?!


How do you guys water and/or feed your plants? Feeding by hand takes a life time. I got watering down. I store 25-30 gallons of RO water right outside of my grow room in a trash can. The 'reservoir' sits on a table and there is a valve in the bottom. Gravity pushes the water through the hose and out a watering wand with the pressure of a normal hose. So watering is easy.

Feeding them is a different story. My plants take about 15 gallons of water + nutes per feeding (give or take). Last feeding I did by hand, and I rather not do that again. I was thinking about making another set up like I have for RO water for nutes. The problem is this rig leaves about a gallon and a half in the bottom. Nutes are too expensive to waste a gallon and a half each feeding.

So how do you guys transfer large amounts of liquid from your mixing area to your plants? The cheaper the better.



Nobody? I would have to imagine I am not the only person here that doesn't want to feed their plants via a watering can. Help please! I will love you forever if someone gives me an idea that I use.


Active Member
I have tried a couple of methods, but my patience and money ran out so I am stuck with hand watering. I built an ebb and flow system, but I have issues stabilizing the pH (didn't have pH down) and the whole setup wasn't exactly water tight. I then tried a drip feed system that worked great, but the drippers got clogged up pretty bad within a couple of weeks. Ebb and Flow would probably work best for your setup- at least better than 15 gallons of hand feeding.


Calyx LED
Get 2 big outdoor trash cans. Like 32 Gal or bigger. 2 x 300-500 GPH submersible pumps. One will be circulating your nutrient solution and the other pump will supply your hose. Simply place one of the pumps in either of the trashcans, and some tubing to pump up and over to the other trash can. In the can that is without a pump, you want to make an overflow bypass. The easiest way is to drill a hole maybe 2" below the top of both the trash cans. Then run some tubing or PVC through this new hole for the bypass. This will allow the 1 pump to run all day and circulate the solution. Throw in an air stone or two and you're golden! Attach your hose to the 2nd pump and you're ready to water!


Well-Known Member
haha i kinda do the same thing. I use a 30gal tub, fill it with water and nutes, and just have a water pump with 1/2inch tubing going to a connector that is threaded so i can screw it on to a watering wand. its really legit, especially after my first grow were i had to fill and carry 40-50 1gallon jugs up and down a flight of stairs in my house