How do you water?



I'm curious as to what kind of rigs you all have set up to water your plants in soil. Do you simply use a watering can? Do you have some sort of unique elaborate set up? Anyone out there have their watering automated? Just looking for some ideas and to share some ideas.

Thanks in advance!


I just use a watering can, but i use distilled water.

I water about every 2-3 days and I havent had any problems yet.


Well-Known Member
I have misters at the bases that I run allll the way back to my house with a hose, I use a funnel and pour my nutrients into the hose, then screw it back on the spicket on turn the hose on for half hour or so. I water every three days depending upon the climate and then feed every other time


Active Member
I personally use a 1/2 gal water can. Currently about 10 gallons every 2-3 days. I am considering a drip system, it will be the next step in my dirt farm. I have a PLC that I plan on incorporating down the road, it will fire solenoid valves to allow the water to flow at exact time and amounts per the needs of the plants. It is going to do many other things but the watering will be easily handled. I have 18 plants in flower right now with 5 or so strains. The needs vary so much that hand watering is it for now, it takes a lot of time with my tiny grow but as I have said in the past, it gives me time to really watch my plants.


Well-Known Member
a Can, a bottle, what ever, use water around 15-20C (aim for 18C) as to hot water don't hold much oxygen and to cold can chock the roots

if you have crappy tap water or it contain to much chlorine you need to look in to RO water (check your local water plant, most have it all online)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm lazy haha never had a problem with the system I do hand feed molasses at the end tho don't think it would do to well with the misters...more like sprinklers I drilled them out