How does my plant look?


Its about 4 days since i planted the germinated seed into soil. I think the mold is starting to unfold.


Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
It looks like a plant? WTF? why do people post shit like this on here? its prolly some 14 year old punk...not knowing what the fuck is going on


You obviously know nothing if all you have is insults! i have been growing plants for about a year but this one is a new experiment, looking for feedback
it looks just like mine right now and Dr. greenthum even if he is what is this site for anyways? little bitches like you to come here and talk shit to noobs? its called a forum for a reason and if you know how to read he didnt ask what it looked like he asked how it looks and if it looks healthy dont worry about it tofum your plant is looking good and healthy

Cannabis patient420

Active Member
if see u mold see it on top of soil and at bottom and u have worms and fly's and bug and will have smell to got pictures off plant im new at grow and had mistakes everyone dose that's make u better grower


Active Member
haha cheers didnt mean it to sound like that about all americans, just this whopper !
"the mold is starting to unfold"? i thought it sounded like a saying lol no mold on there though