how does my sprout look?


Well-Known Member
it looks like a reg sprout,start a grow journ an pm me when u get it up,i got 8yrs experiance and like 15grows with true success with the last 3,by true success i mean no maj probs all just basicly papercuts to be used for the phrase


Well-Known Member
so id say take that hairclip thing off of it, and get a fan next to it, the stem will grow bigger and thicker


Well-Known Member
i ran into a problem....the stem completely shriveled up and got super thin a little bit below the soil....but i burried it up near the first set and it seems to be doing fine now....this occured from lack of light io think... i had it outside for a few days in the shade wth no light so the stem like got super thin in one section....i hope it still grows fne tho


Active Member
Keep it under as much light as possible a single cfl would be better than the shade. Pictures look normal to me.


Well-Known Member
well it seems to be doing well now...i think it just wasnt getting enough sun so it just fell over and the stem got really weak cuz it seems to be doin better now


Well-Known Member
i only did that cuz after the accident it couldnt stay up by itself until seems to be doing better but both of the seed leaves have just they even mean anything???


Well-Known Member
i only did that cuz after the accident it couldnt stay up by itself until seems to be doing better but both of the seed leaves have just they even mean anything???
They contain the nutrients that the seedling will feed on for the first week or 2 of life. I don't believe its normal for them to be dying off already.


New Member
How old is sprout? My seed leaves didn't die off until mine were a good 3 to 4 weeks old.

Do you have more than the one going, just in case?