How does one become involved in "the business"


Active Member
Hello. I'm a college student in a red state about to graduate in a year. Problem is, there is only one thing I want to do: grow/trim/process

Anyway, this ain't Norcal or Oregon or Colorado. I don't have the contacts necessary to just go work on a farm. Growers here watch their ass and don't want any help.

I'd like to move out west and get started on a farm, but I have no idea how to do it.

Any help? Suggestions on landing a job at a growhouse/farm? Even trim work would be better than working in an office after college.

Help a brother out. I'm very knowledgeable on the subject, hard working, and am ready to do whatever I can to prove I'm not 5-0.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
Hello. I'm a college student in a red state about to graduate in a year. Problem is, there is only one thing I want to do: grow/trim/process

Anyway, this ain't Norcal or Oregon or Colorado. I don't have the contacts necessary to just go work on a farm. Growers here watch their ass and don't want any help.

I'd like to move out west and get started on a farm, but I have no idea how to do it.

Any help? Suggestions on landing a job at a growhouse/farm? Even trim work would be better than working in an office after college.

Help a brother out. I'm very knowledgeable on the subject, hard working, and am ready to do whatever I can to prove I'm not 5-0.

dont rat on niggas who pull triggaZ


Active Member
My mouth is tighter than your sister's p*ssy

Are these the lyrics to some hip hop jams? Haha I'm not an urban music connoisseur.


Well-Known Member
there is really no pot growning farms. its still illegal on the federal level. perhaps you should get your farm on a smaller scale at home.


Active Member
You are not going to get rich being a farm hand, regardless of product.
I'm not a materialistic person; it's not about the money. I'm just one guy with no family to support and no intention of ever repaying student loans (take that, Uncle Sam/Citigroup). Also, because SWIM may or may not be a convicted felon and because SWIM's appearance is not "professional", SWIM will likely never be able to work in a legitimate job (thanks for the permanent second class citizen status, U.S. government/society).
Due to awesome U.S. laws, SWIM can be a day laborer, work in construction, or be a mechanic. Sweet.

As per the farm status, I'm sure there aren't many, but I'm positive they are out there. SWIM knows OF a person who travels to farms in Oregon and Idaho and sells on the festival circuit for a full time job. SWIM's seen the product; it was literally the best outdoor SWIM's ever came into contact with.


Active Member
Owning a house isn't really within my grasp. I'm about to graduate college.

Sure, I could rent a house or even guerilla grow, but owning the property is much more secure. Besides, renting a house implies roommates, which I am not comfortable with being around a grow. And, a single apartment is a terrible place to grow.

I know how to grow and process, I just don't have the infrastructure.

It's a sad fact that landlords do shady shit on the regular and even though I know my rights as a renter, landlords seldom follow and usually have the police backing them up.

Any suggestions as to getting started with trim/grow/processing? I'm sure I could go to Arcata or Eureka or something in mid August and start asking around, but I'd really like to avoid a long and expensive trip to NorCal for a job that probably won't be there.


Active Member
Growing in a dorm: you might as well grow at the police station

Apartment growing: possible yet still very unsecure

Running my own grow is not possible at this juncture. Which is why I want a job with someone else's operation.