How does one make the flowering process oderless...


Active Member
I heard that there is something that you can put in the soil or the water to help it not smell during flowering ...I am interested in this if it exists


Well-Known Member
Carbon filters work good and you dont have to worry about your plant intaking some chemical.


Well-Known Member
Flowering CANNOT be odorless. The odors the flowers release are intend to attract bees who carry pollen. So no odor=no flowers. Flowers are the vagina if you will of a plant. And smell is how she attracts pollen through insects. Just to give u some background. although some strains smell less then others so u can just do some research on the least smelling plants.

get a carbon filter in ur grow room and smell will not be a problem.

Peace and Love


Active Member
well i live in an apartment complex and its a very preppy neighborhood... so they do not care for the smell so i need to eliminate all suspicion especially when my parents come to visit !!! kiss-ass


New Member
just be honest and tell them you love to grow and smoke weed, how do you know they have never smoked, they might just both give you a hug for seeing you again they love you even more when yous all skin up and do a massive banger with each other, but be honest in life do not cheat, what are we talking about again ?


Active Member
Guys I cannot tell them no just because they can cook some fire food man like after i got done smoking a bowl ... 20 minutes later after my eyes turn normal they come over and bring some food and that food is so good that i want its dick in me ... figuratively speaking of course but still:hump: but how does the carbon filter work exactly...


Well-Known Member
I use a 4x12 Phat Filter. It is a carbon filter and takes out almost 100% of the smell. Some candles (not lit, just smelly) in the room is enough to cover the rest of the smell.