How dry are your pots when you feed?


Active Member
Hey all! Can you please help? I need a visual to help me water. Hypothetical. You're growing indoors. The pots that you grow in are made of glass so you can see through them. Right before you feed/water, and you look through the glass pots, is your soil still wet on the bottom 1/4? 1/3rd? Half? 2/3rds? Or is the pot mostly dry?

Reason I'm asking is because I've read and been told to "Water them if you can stick your finger down in the soil a few inches and it's dry" Conversely I've also been told and have read to "feed/water when the pot is light." To me that's a big gap. When the pot is "light" that means most of the soil is dry. Sticking my finger down a few inches only proves the soil is dry on top but the rest of the pot can be damp. Which one is correct? Should I water/feed when pot is light? Or water/feed when the top 1/4 or 1/3 is dry and rest of pot is still not fully dry yet? Thanks!
You are thinking about it to much !

How many gallons are your pots and what stage are your plants in ?
Thanks! 7 gallon smart pots. I have a couple Mom's in my mother room that arent quite full grown yet. And I have some in flower week 5. 2 days after watering my pots arent heavy, and theyre not light. After three days they're very light. I usually give them about 3/4 of a gallon of water per pot.
Thanks! 7 gallon smart pots. I have a couple Mom's in my mother room that arent quite full grown yet. And I have some in flower week 5. 2 days after watering my pots arent heavy, and theyre not light. After three days they're very light. I usually give them about 3/4 of a gallon of water per pot.
Are you watering thoroughly with plenty of runoff?
As plants mature overwatering isn’t really a thing
Only checking pot weight helps me
SOIL w/ perlite

Week 5 ~ 3/4 of a gallon of water per pot is perfect for a 5 gallon pot... assuming your rooms when all throughout the 7 gallon already you are safe for a gallon of water, some may drip out the bottom but some runoff is good, keeps it fresh in there !

EXAMPLE - week 7 - 8 and above I am giving a full gallon to 5 gallon pots so you should be somewhere around 1.25 or 1 gallons as well.

Honestly a couple photos of the plants would help a better judge, I am just not sure how big the plants are !

Think of it this way, weeks 2-3 I am using a half gallon per pot, weeks 3-5 I am using .75 gallons or jumping to a full gallon ( could be a little run off ) and from week 6 on I am just straight 1 gallon. with all of these measurements this will normally keep my plants good for 3 days then I will need to water again ending up watering 2-3 times a week.
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