How Far Away from your house are your plants?

I was just wondering how far away everyones outdoor crop is? Mine is 31 Miles away from my house and its starting to annoy me driving there once a week. I know The farther away the safer it is and less chance of getting caught but im starting to get tired of driving so far away for just five plants. Hmmm what should i do? How far away are your plants?


Well-Known Member
thanks im pretty new to this site
No problem :)

I'm just guessing this particular thread might get a few "My plants are on my balcony which is 8 feet from my bedroom." posts, which isn't exactly the type of answer you're looking for considering your dilemma. There are TONS of very helpful and knowledgeable members in the Outdoor forum who would be more than happy to help you out.

Welcome to RIU and best of luck to you! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
my 2nd outdoor grow was 5minutes drive on the side of a road no one used lmao , had them there only for a few weeks but there were inbetween shrubs so no one could see them, also i noticed 1 went missing


Well-Known Member
Behind my computer so... about 3 feet away!

Haha but no seriously, I would love to grow outdoors this season. I will probably look for a place within walking distance however.

Wouldn't want to display the repetition of going to a secluded spot by vehicle. Too suspicious.
Behind my computer so... about 3 feet away!

Haha but no seriously, I would love to grow outdoors this season. I will probably look for a place within walking distance however.

Wouldn't want to display the repetition of going to a secluded spot by vehicle. Too suspicious.
I agree (my car is way to suspicious anyways you can hear it from a mile away) What i do is il park my car about a mile or less away, take my dog for a walk than walk into woods at around 430am, so far i havent been spotted :p