How good is topping?


Active Member
Ive seen alot of the post with people that toppd their plants and everything looks realy good. But they rele never discuss the actual benifit of topping, the yield lol. What i was wondering was how much of a diffrence in yeild r u expecting wen ur topping a plant as apposed to just a normal indor soil grow?


Well-Known Member
The topping is done to keep the height of a plant down. This way the light can get to the lower budsites and they will grow about as tall as the top of the plant. The end result is multiple colas and a bigger yeild.I have a widow skunk that was topped twice that now has 11 colas, 5" long at 32 days of flower. Some strains top better than others. Some like to grow one big, fat cola and dont do as well when topped.