how has cancel culture ruined your life

they added Discovery+ at $4.99 and up to watch programming on your already overpriced cable provider. now the regular channels of Travel, ID etc are remanded to old programming with never ending commercials to 'upgrade'.

they want me to pay more for the same programming.

um, no.

cancel culture is soooooo's con culture now.
When I was a young tot. Nat geo was like the secret porn for 12 year old boys.

Ooo naked tribal booby.
It was kind of an obscure joke. When Nat Geo first started using color, their photogs brought trunks of red articles of clothing with them because their photographic editors required red in EVERY color picture. So before they would take a picture of an aborogine, they would make them don a red shirt, scarf, hat, etc.. It was shameful and went on for about a decade until a new editor took over.


"Although during the 1950s Geographic photographers took advantage of the faster Kodachrome speeds to break away from the more rigidly posed pictures required by earlier slower-film processes, photographic cliches continued to abound. So constant was use by Geographic photographers of red shirts, red caps and red sweaters as props to brighten their pictures that critics outside the society dubbed the magazine`s style ''The Red-Shirt School of Photography.''
Look there was no internet, so a young raging hormone boy just had the static on late night cable channels, nat geo or maybe a sports illustrated swimsuit edition. There were no discriminations
I know. I was there. I never got so desperate as to rely on Nat Geo.

Redbook, Vogue and McCall's got the job done just fine.