How high should I turn my airpump for DWC?

  • I'm new to DWC, and my set up is just a 5 gallon bucket filled all the way, with 5 plants on top in a circle around the lid. I got this 4W airpump, that has a intensity switch... like how much air gets pumped. So my question is how high should I set it? On full it's noisy as hell and makes a really loud buzz, but a shit load of bubbles get made, but on minimum it's relatively quiet, but only a few bubbles float to the top. probaly like 20-25 bubbles per second on min. kinda hard to describe​



Put it on high and put on rubber feet or wrap it in a towel for noise.

On a diff note 5 gal for 5 plants is way to small should be 5 gal buckets per plant in dwc..


Active Member
Yeah no such thing as too many bubbles...leave it on high. Those clones are gonna take over that bucket with the quickness unless you either get more buckets or a larger res.