How high will it be?


Well-Known Member
HEY ALL! I started 3 plants from seeds, 2 of which are females and they are on a 18/6 400w HPS lighting cycle with Fox Farm Big Grow Ferts. I want them to be about 4 feet tall at the end of flowering and right now they are about 1 and 1/2 feet, what height do I start the flowering cycle so they end up around 4 feet tall? Please help me!


Well-Known Member
Much better than knowing what type ferts your feeding them to get a more precise answer we'd need to know the strain your growing.

If it was my decision to make & i wanted them to level off at no higher than 4ft i'd wait another week & then bud them,just make sure when you do start budding that you have as much light as humanly possible,also keep the lights as close t the plants as you can without burning the plant.

When plants first go into the flower cycle they like to stretch out & experience a large growth spurt,this happens very fast,at this time its imperative to have as much light as possible to combat any unnessacary stretching of the plants.

Strecthing normally stops within the 1st 3 weeks of budding,if it looks like the plants are going to get too tall you can take the stalk & give it a firm pinch a few nodes down,not rough enough to break the stalk in half but firm enough to collapse the stalk,the plant will concentrate on repairing the injured area of the plant instead of growing taller,this will not hurt the plant at all & within a few days the plant will have repaired the area & slowed the growth in height.


Well-Known Member
another important piece of info is wether or not you have topped them.

Also,.. are you sure you want 4ft plants with just one 400 watt hps? you won't be producing good flowers on the bottom 2ft. do you have side lighting? you'd be better off with more smaller plants with a single 400watt. it only really gives you about 12 to 18 inches of good penetration. a good 4 ft plant would need at least 600watts preferably 1000.