how hot is too hot?


Well-Known Member
last night i turned my lights on but forgot to turn ac on in my hut and when i came back in the morning the temp was 97 deg. F in my hut. i cooled down the air within 30 minutes but am still bummed out that i might have overstressed my harvest. i'm 2 weeks from flowering, how will this affect my temp?


Active Member
i dont think its that big of a deal. Aslong as the plants havent curled or browned your are good to go. If the temps were like that for a long period of time then it would have stunted the growth.

Marijuana stops growing at around 90-95 degrees. F. CO2 stop being effective at 85 degrees.


Active Member
Ive had that problem. My temps were over 105 for the whole day. No problems so far. As long as it was handled asap and the temps are back down, they will thrive again.

Keep in mind, these are weeds. They are as hard to kill as the ones on your front lawn. Seeing as you have a "hut", you might not have a front lawn or a very large front lawn lol. Im done talking.

Active Member
Your plants should be ok but it might take a day or two for them to recover completely and grow at their full potential. Plants are pretty resilient...even concrete foundations are no match for a plant root. :-)

When a person designs a room the thought of "What can go wrong will go wrong" should be considered every step of the way. Timers and temperature control, once working properly, will save many grows.

Here's my suggestion for you and everyone who uses timers and controllers....

If possible, use separate circuits for lights and for the cooling unless your circuit can handle both loads easily. If I had a dollar for everyone who told me the electricity went out and only the lights turned on when the electricity came back on I could have put my kids through college. Use a separate circuit and make sure the air cooler you purchase does't have to be manually turned back on if the electricity goes out.

This little tip could have saved a lot of frustration.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all of the advice and input. i'm only 2 weeks from harvest and about to move from where i'm staying so buying a timer right now wouldn't be practical for my situation but i'll definitely use them on my next grow. i'm proud to report that my plants are doing fine at a cool 72 degrees f and alot of them are starting to show color.