How I came to Be :-)


Hello All!
I'm new here. I would like to say hello, and thank you for all of your posts. I have found many interesting things by reading all of your posts.

A little about myself, and how I got into all of this.

About 5 years ago my husband was hit by a roadside bomb in Iraq. He suffered severe damage to his spinal cord, and the nerves that are enclosed. He now is permanently disabled. He has good days, and bad, some days he can walk, others he needs a cane or a wheelchair. Each day he is in pain from the trauma caused to his nerves. He will never recover and will never be pain free.

Our journey into the Cannabis world started about a year ago. I myself suffer from Fibromyalgia which is a fancy term for always being in we both are in pain, all day, every day.

However, mine is manageable, his...not so much.

To treat his pain, his doctors had him on multiple narcotics, some which are so addicting you need a sign special papers just to get them.

Not that long ago he almost overdosed. The withdrawal from the narcotics was just as bad as if he were taking street drugs (the ones outside Cannabis).

Our life became miserable, because there was no quality of life. Too much pain and the stress from that pain, put a huge strain on our marriage, not to mention it was not healthy for our son to be around.

One day I had a severe flare up. I had taken my normal medication and the dose ended up sending me into anaphylaxis. I almost died....not fun at all.

Shortly after, our very close friends (and closet potheads), introduced us to medical grade Cannabis. We were hesitant at first because we bought into the hype of its illegality, and its stereotypical "gateway drug" status. Then we decided to do some research. We had never thought of Cannabis as a form of medication or that it was even used as such.

After much consideration, we decided to give it a try. Our friends gave us the medical grade and as the saying goes "the rest is history"!

For the first time in YEARS, my husband and I were pain free. We were also able to sleep which was something that neither of us was able to do due to our disabilities. Miraculously, my husband was pain free for FOUR days. I know that four days doesn't sound like much, but when you have constant pain, even a day feels like heaven!

Our attitudes changed. We felt happier, more relaxed, and even intimacy was once again rekindled (really rekindled ). The medical grade Cannabis was able to provide us with a quality of life that we had not had for a LONG time.

Unfortunately, we had to move, and were no longer able to acquire the medical grade type that we used. In our new area trying to find someone who could get the same kind was difficult. We eventually acquired more Cannabis, however, the grade or the quality was not what we were accustomed to. We then realized that what was being sold to us as medical grade was not medical grade and did not meet our needs. Not to mention that it became very expensive to buy larger quantities to get the same effect of the real medical grade kind.

Eventually, because of the cost we had to revert back to narcotics for pain management which again brought many side effects. Until recently....

We made a decision that we should try growing. We currently are curing our very first harvest as a trial from a seed from one of the products we bought, and are growing Medijuana which is specifically made for medical use.

It has been a joy to see the process. I'm learning more and more each day, and just knowing that I am able to help both my husband and I have a better quality of life is rewarding in itself. Of course I still have many questions, and hope to one day become a breeder. I want to be able to engineer different breeds that will bring different types of relief for different ailments.

I never thought that a plant could be so healing. Nor did I ever see myself as a grower or a breeder!



Thanks for introducing yourself. I'm new here too! I hope you and your husband get the most out of your marijuana and lives. It is awesome to hear that you found something that works without the nasty side effects.


Active Member
i am sorry to hear about your life troubles. just having the strenght and cuorage to contiue i applaud you for it. to be able to handle that kind of stress and still maintain your marriage and family is heart warming. should you need any help at all setting up a very simple fool proof grow please dont heiatate to ask. i know money is tight and i have a few easy ways that will not cost you a dime to set since you will have many of things laying around the house i even have a way for you to get free nutes that are simple and fool proof with easy feeding charts and nute calculators that make it even easier to use. cutting edge solutions has a ph stablizer in them so there will be no need t worry about checking and all those thing thatgo along with improper ph. so please send me an email i will set you up with a very simple and easy to use system that will not cost you a dime. i would even be able to send you anything you might need for a grow as i have plenty of extra stuff just sitting on the shelf. again if you need anything at all to get started please just ask i am not the most prfessional grower but i have found a way that is so simple and easy that has worked for many a friend.
2 years ago i was diagnosed with ms and i have my good days and bads just like you and if it wasnt for the mj i would be a herion addict since all the pills they want me to swollow ar the same thing with just a different name...if you know what i mean. so any help you need please just ask. it is just sitting on myshelf collecting dust


Thank you guys! That means a lot. So far we have a small grow room. lol We are using a 1000w HPS system in our spare room. It works for us, but I still have many questions. I'm learning as I'm growing!

Can you tell me more about cutting costs?


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU mib... im glad to here you and your husband dicided to go the natural route with your pain issues.. keep it green guys ..


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU. I was actually a little choked up after reading your post. Hopefully we can be of help to you and your grows.


Thank you very much guys! I spent the majority of my day researching. I think I will be able to successfully grow this Medijuana. Can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Ah, yes a very well presented introduction.

Yep the first grows are the best!.

I am not sure what strains to suggest but I would think an Indica would be helpful. Long lasting would be good too.

So Welcome and it does look good to see folks reaching out in the community for medical cannabis advice.