How I created my own version of carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
Basically I do have a filter but I haven't used it yet as I was only growing 2 plants (Still am) and the smell was some what controllable so I didn't want to open my filter and waste it until my next/current grow which I've started already (6 strains), I do 12/12 for current and I'm moving my seedlings around I put them inside with my current flower for 12/12 then take them out and leave them under 30w CFL for 6 hours in order to keep them in veg as I don't have another grow space or lights.
Anyway I've set up my inline fan inside the tent to push air out and I have it set up so it pushes air towards window direction and I've used a 3 pack air freshener costs 50p (it's made out of jelly so it melts releasing nice flavour and scent of air).
Smells beautiful.
Leave your comments and feedback discussing on what you think about this?
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If you grow real nice buds in there, at some point it's gonna smell like a perfumed skunk is roaming the neighborhood! lol

I made a homemade carbon filter with "carbon"pads. Rolled a screen up 4 '' diameter put and end cap on one end with duct tape. Duct tape 4'' inline fan to other end to exhaust air from my veg area. Then you roll up 1/4'' thick universal carbon pre filter around it plus roll up a 1/4'' thick universal carbon filter replacement pad around that...wait other way around! I would not rely on it for my flowering tent but it works great to vent out my veg box.
Check links below...
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If you grow real nice buds in there, at some point it's gonna smell like a perfumed skunk is roaming the neighborhood! lol

I made a homemade carbon filter with "carbon"pads. Rolled a screen up 4 '' diameter put and end cap on one end with duct tape. Duct tape 4'' inline fan to other end to exhaust air from my veg area. Then you roll up 1/4'' thick universal carbon pre filter around it plus roll up a 1/4'' thick universal carbon filter replacement pad around that...wait other way around! I would not rely on it for my flowering tent but it works great to vent out my veg box.
Check links below... carbon filter replacement
Lol so when someone sprays air freshener they're not actually making the air smell better?, I always assumed it would cover it :o
Lol so when someone sprays air freshener they're not actually making the air smell better?, I always assumed it would cover it :o

Some people use Ona-Gel to cover the smell. It's supposed to be effective. But, I don't think people use it exclusively. They use carbon filters. The Ona-Gel is used when the tent is opened. Or, at the end of the exhaust as a final safeguard (if someone's extremely nervous about detection).

If using air freshener, be careful about the artificial scent getting into your grow area (too strongly). It can affect the flavors/scents of your buds. (I made that mistake with OnaGel a long time ago. My buds had a distinct note that was like Polar Ice gum.).
Some people use Ona-Gel to cover the smell. It's supposed to be effective. But, I don't think people use it exclusively. They use carbon filters. The Ona-Gel is used when the tent is opened. Or, at the end of the exhaust as a final safeguard (if someone's extremely nervous about detection).

If using air freshener, be careful about the artificial scent getting into your grow area (too strongly). It can affect the flavors/scents of your buds. (I made that mistake with OnaGel a long time ago. My buds had a distinct note that was like Polar Ice gum.).
What are carbon replacements called? also how much do they cost? are they expensive?, and thank you, have you heard of putting juice 1 week before harvest into plant to change flavour? I want to try it but I'm not a fully experienced grower just know general knowledge.
What are carbon replacements called? also how much do they cost? are they expensive?, and thank you, have you heard of putting juice 1 week before harvest into plant to change flavour? I want to try it but I'm not a fully experienced grower just know general knowledge.

I use a Phresh brand filter. There's also Can-Filter. For a 4x4' tent it would cost about $120 US. Lots of lessor-known filters can be found on Amazon. One of the posts to this thread linked to generic carbon filter material to DIY. You'd use that for small grow spaces.

I haven't heard about the "juice." There is a common belief/practice of feeding molasses late in flower. People who do it don't seem to know why they do it. (Some say it's the trace minerals. Some say it's the sugar to assist flushing salts from the soil, helping to cause the plant to consume its stored nutrients which is believed to affect taste. The only I know it does is feed the microbes in the soil which can help the plant. I give 1/8 to 1/4 tsp per gallon every other feeding throughout the grow.).

Cannabis isn't that complicated to grow. The only way to know if such things work is to try it yourself. If you're new, the best thing you can do is keep it simple. Leave the bloom boosters, sugar "flavor enhancers" and flush additives for a later time. Develop your skills "reading" your plants, improving your soil, etc. When you start adding a lot of witchcraft just because it's popular, you run the risk of confusing cause and effect. You'll start adopting things without a basis for doing so. Keep it simple. Don't even flush at the end (just so you'll have a baseline to compare flushing on a later grow).