How important is a dehumidifier during flower?

Humidity regulates how much water it up takes. Dry air and the plant drinks more. With a humidity around 50%. The plant drinks slower. Slowing down the water up take to a balance where's the plant is happy. No fert burn at a given ppm.
I never used one with an active exhaust due to dry climate but I'm trying a semi-sealed closet and RH gets over 70 real quick.
If you have great air exchange you can prolly get away with no dehuey. You'll know after a cycle, by whether or not you get mold or mildew.
Dehumidifiers are a crucial piece of gear honestly. Get one bigger than what you think you need and keep spares. This is what I do at least I keep an anden 320 and always keep a spare on hand in case one goes down. Each room has a dedicated dehumidifier.