how important is a node at the bottom when taking a clone?


Well-Known Member
how important is it to have at least one node at the bottom of the cut in the medium? Is it almost required for roots to pop out or is it not that big of a deal?

Having odd survival rates, and progress rates. Wondering if that could be something major sense I haven't been keeping track.

(some of my clones I take have a node down below in the rockwool, others just have a stem if I had to cut above a node)


Active Member
I do mine in soil not rockwool, not sure if it'd make a difference, but from what I've seen having a node in the medium only makes them root one or two days faster.


Well-Known Member
you can scrape above the site of the cut with a straight razor before dipping your cutting into your root compound. This will expose the raw plant material to the hormone and maximize your subsequent rooting. In Layman's terms, it will root faster this way.


Well-Known Member
I always cut @ a node. & with "soil" cubes I normally see 98% Success rates o_O. Using plain water, making the cut "under water"


Well-Known Member
when I first started trying to clone, I used bottled water... I used rooting hormones... I used a humidity dome... I used sterile equipment. I'd say out of 30+ tries, I succeeded twice and gave up. I recently tried again, using filtered tap water... no rooting hormones... no humidity dome... and a farily clean scissors. I cut, stuck in water, placed in a window sill. I had Roots in 2 weeks. I've had a 10/10 success rate this way. Maybe its because I've learned other things, but still... rooting hormones aren't neccessary. I'll probably clone several times in the future... and I will probably never buy a rooting hormone again.


Well-Known Member
when I first started trying to clone, I used bottled water... I used rooting hormones... I used a humidity dome... I used sterile equipment. I'd say out of 30+ tries, I succeeded twice and gave up. I recently tried again, using filtered tap water... no rooting hormones... no humidity dome... and a farily clean scissors. I cut, stuck in water, placed in a window sill. I had Roots in 2 weeks. I've had a 10/10 success rate this way. Maybe its because I've learned other things, but still... rooting hormones aren't neccessary. I'll probably clone several times in the future... and I will probably never buy a rooting hormone again.
Clean cutting tools (scissors, razor, etc) are imperitive. Bacterial infection at the cut site can spell demise for young clones.I would say the use of clean cutting tools is the source of your success. I say this because I know from my own experience that a humidity dome is always nice, and root hormone is a godsend. But I'm just one man.

Cheers :)