how important is the temp range between day and night?


Active Member
hi all,

i recentley had a temp problem, the temps during the day (which is the plant's night) dropped too low. i solved this by putting in a radiator and now the temp doesnt drop lower than 68.

the thing is that when the lights are on i also have the vents on, and so the temp is around 72. so there isnt much difference between daytime and night time.

how critical is this difference for the plants?



Well-Known Member
I usually keep around a 15 degree swing, but have never dealt with constant temps, so I can't really say for sure. It probably will affect them slightly as you're not mimicking nature, but I don't see it causing any major problems. Just wait it out and report back!


New Member
It is good to have 10 degrees change I belive. But you will prob be okay with what you got. As long as it gets cooler when it is dark>


Well-Known Member
a near constant temp should work well to prevent powdery mildew it works well for me
I'm growing godbud& inca spirit both prone to PM with good results for PM a warm dark period @ <50% humidity is a safe bet so your system should work fine fans? good growing