Jesus, HSA, sounds like you're spying on me! RL420. I have placed pictures of my grow below (I know perspective is difficult to judge); here are a few details:
Inside of a Secret Jardin Pro II DR120 Tent (4'w X 4'l X 6.5' h) - 400w mh/hps switchable digital ballast and 6" cooltube - 6" High Output CanFan and rate matched CanFilter (passive intake only)
1.) Non-recirculating DWC in independent (no control bucket) 5 gal buckets with 10 inch netpots (not integral - removable for easy access to roots)
2.) General Hydroponics Irrigation Rings (airpump fed - no need for water pump - check the GH website to answer questions) sit atop hydroton and a 2in thick, 4in by 4in wide rockwool cube
3.) Two independent airlines in each bucket feeding two short n' stubby air stones each - 4 total each bucket (I've been told this is overkill and that airstones are bad - I have never grown without them, but I am curious to try and to believe)
4.) 3 part GH Flora Series (Micro, Grow, Bloom) - additives are Liquid Koolbloom and Floraliscious Plus
5.) Changing reservoir once a week
6.) pH'd at 5.6 to 6.0 and running 980 to 1120 ppm at first change, finishing around 1350 by next change
I flipped these plants to 12/12 on Jan. 7th (day 42 of veg) - the pics below are from tonight; day 16 or 17 in flower (no bud porn yet, but wanted you to see the plant size). Roots are big, white and smell like fresh alfalfa (sorry, didn't snag a root pic, kinda' hard with these big girls). My tallest plant is easily over three feet (above bucket). I hope this gives you something visually to compare. Peace, and good luck.
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RL420: I think what you're asking depends a lot on the strain you're growing. I have a friend who presently has a flowering sativa plant grown from bag seed. It's about four feet tall over the height of the bucket it's sitting in and since it's his first grow he's as proud as a new daddy. It's grown about 18" since flowering began and it was about 2 1/2' feet tall after a month of vegging. Now the only problem is that it barely fits in the 2' by 2' by 6' tent.
The bucket is full of roots but he has two air stones at the bottom and he watches this bad girl constantly. She's growing out of a lid with an integral ten inch next basket of Hydroton and she's solid as a rock.
The mass of the roots takes up about two gallons of volume. I've seen him change out the nutes which he does weekly. He fills a second bucket with three gallons of mixed nutes and then he switches the lid and plant from the original bucket to the second bucket. He checks the ppms and pH daily and complains that he has to add water almost every day. When the lid is back in place there's only about a half inch of air space over the level of water but he has a big drip pan under it just in case. He claims there's never anything in it. Needless to say if it grows any taller he's going to have a problem getting it in and out of the tent but I think he's doing it now just for shits and giggles. HSA